In all likelihood, in this article you will find the definitive solution on how to clean marble quickly, comfortably and without unnecessary procedures that only take time and give no results.

If you've arrived here, it's presumably because you've been through a lot with the various products and methods that serve the purpose: well, you won't need them anymore.


Whether it's a marble floor, a marble staircase, the marble of the windowsills or any other surface, you are in the right place to learn a method and adopt tools that you will never want to abandon again, thanks to their usability, practicality and convenience. But let's proceed step by step.


First of all, there are some general rules that you and anyone who has marble surfaces in their home must know and respect:

  • Quickly remove any stains to prevent permanent marks from forming;
  • Pay attention to spilled liquids and acidic substances;
  • For cleaning, avoid using aggressive chemical detergents;
  • Do not use ammonia;
  • Don't use vinegar.

You understand well that, despite its robustness, marble is very sensitive to the action of time, the use of traditional detergents, acidic substances, rubbing and all the more aggressive practices that other surfaces, such as porcelain stoneware for example, would withstand much more easily. Not only.


Even some products you use regularly can become a real threat to your marble; I'll give you some examples:

  • Fruit juices and sweetened liquid substances;
  • Fruit;
  • Coffee and wine;
  • Tomato sauce;
  • Excess detergent and wax used;

And be careful! Evaporated water (especially very calcareous water).

I want to warn you in particular against the more acidic substances, which, if not eliminated in a very short time, will be absorbed by the marble which will therefore become stained and damaged without leave you no chance to repair the damage.

purity and shine are perhaps the most important characteristics of marble, and at the same time they are those that are most easily lost if you do not pay attention to the rules up to this point indicated.


Assuming that nothing irreparable has happened to your marble, and hoping that over the years you will maintain the characteristics that have allowed you to choose it among many other alternatives, I will now tell you everything you need to know for the daily cleaning of marble surfaces.


Start forgetting about all the wasteful methods you read on the internet about cleaning marble.

Put back the wool sweaters that they advised you to use as a rag, use the bicarbonate of soda for other chores, as well as the Marseille soap, hydrogen peroxide and the various magic powders that were recommended to you! There is only one solution.


Scracchio Pavimenti and Scraccho Superfici are the two miraculous cloths in patented High Use fibre , which will make your marble shine, definitively freeing it from rings and stains, without leaving lint.

Scracchio Pavimenti is the ideal tool for cleaning marble floors, as the characteristics of the fiber of which it is composed, patented in Europe and the United States, allow you to use it even daily for dusting and washing, leaving the marble shiny, without streaks or lint.


Scracchio Superfici , similarly, is ideal for cleaning all other marble surfaces in your home: window sills, kitchen and furniture surfaces and so on. Scracchio Superfici is also made of the particular patented “High Use” fibre.


You will have 2 Scracchio cloths in your hands with which you can clean half the house without any further worries: why?

First of all, just know that Scracchio cloths can be used simply moistened, on marble that is not very dirty, with the result of a dusted and shiny surface, without residues or halos.

Simply wet the cloth under running tap water, wring it out and pass it over the affected surfaces.


If, however, the marble surfaces are impregnated with dirt that is more difficult to wash away, I recommend the Concentrated Universal Detercrema product. Concentrated Universal Detercrema is a Natural and Ecological detergent, NON-AGGRESSIVE because it is obtained from plant extracts, so you can use it on marble, diluting 2 caps of product in 5 liters of water, with complete peace of mind.


Finally, a fundamental piece of advice is to try whatever you want to do for the first time, on a hidden side of the marble (be it a floor or a generic surface) for a surface of a few centimetres, in order to observe the reaction of the marble. itself, avoiding unpleasant surprises due to the unpredictable reactions of this material.

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